Validator stats and events
Date Moniker Description Type
15 May 2024 “kt10vip” Unjailed 7h later Downtime
15 May 2024 0xgilang Slashed amount: 83 INIT Delegators affected: 1258 Slash
15 May 2024 omninerd Unjailed 10h later Downtime
15 May 2024 init.r Unjailed 10h later Downtime
15 May 2024 karma_nodes Jailed without slash! Delegators affected: 1743 Jail
15 May 2024 killerwhales_user Slashed amount: 56 INIT Delegators affected: 2197 Slash
15 May 2024 “kt10vip” Slashed amount: 33 INIT Delegators affected: 1187 Slash
15 May 2024 upnode Slashed amount: 41 INIT Delegators affected: 1276 Slash
15 May 2024 bwl Slashed amount: 87 INIT Delegators affected: 2137 Slash
15 May 2024 node chef Unjailed 6h later Downtime
15 May 2024 alles labs Slashed amount: 1068 INIT Delegators affected: 1290 Slash
15 May 2024 node chef Jailed without slash! Delegators affected: 913 Jail
15 May 2024 omninerd Jailed without slash! Delegators affected: 868 Jail
15 May 2024 init.r Slashed amount: 26 INIT Delegators affected: 864 Slash
15 May 2024 tucana node Slashed amount: 39 INIT Delegators affected: 793 Slash
14 May 2024 empire Initiator of the proposal 65 Governance
14 May 2024 bwl Slashed amount: 15 INIT Delegators affected: 112 Slash
10 May 2024 node Successfully participated in the Genesis ceremony Genesis