Network stats and events
Date Description Type
23 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3711560 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
23 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 27s

Height: 3711559 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
23 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 35s

Height: 3711558 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
23 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 352s

Height: 3711557 Proposer: 01node

block time
23 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
23 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
22 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3698280 Proposer: cryptocrew val

block time
22 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 319s

Height: 3698264 Proposer: sg-1

block time
22 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
22 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
21 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3684968 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
21 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 289s

Height: 3684967 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
21 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
21 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
21 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 28s

Height: 3677702 Proposer: sg-1

block time
20 Mar 2022 Community pool decreased -6600 OSMO community pool
20 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3671726 Proposer: figment

block time
20 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 290s

Height: 3671725 Proposer: 01node

block time
20 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821917 OSMO circulation supply
20 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
19 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3658319 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
19 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 284s

Height: 3658317 Proposer: eco stake 🌱

block time
19 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
19 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
18 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 264s

Height: 3644930 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
18 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
18 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44485 OSMO community pool
17 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3631733 Proposer: frens (🤝,🤝)

block time
17 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3631732 Proposer: frens (🤝,🤝)

block time
17 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 291s

Height: 3631731 Proposer: frens (🤝,🤝)

block time
17 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
17 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44484 OSMO community pool
16 Mar 2022 Whale Redelegate: 899160 OSMO from to jabbey whale
16 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3618501 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
16 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 275s

Height: 3618394 Proposer: bk stakehouse

block time
16 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
16 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44497 OSMO community pool
15 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 248s

Height: 3605033 Proposer: sentinel dvpn

block time
15 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821917 OSMO circulation supply
15 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44496 OSMO community pool
15 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3595702 Proposer: strangelove-ve

block time
14 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 223s

Height: 3591300 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
14 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
14 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44497 OSMO community pool
13 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 245s

Height: 3577622 Proposer: 01node

block time
13 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
13 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44497 OSMO community pool
13 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3568202 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
12 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 211s

Height: 3564092 Proposer: strangelove-ve

block time
12 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
12 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44496 OSMO community pool
11 Mar 2022 Whale Delegate: 5100000 OSMO to Provalidator whale
11 Mar 2022 Whale Delegate: 5100000 OSMO to Provalidator whale
11 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 195s

Height: 3550487 Proposer: figment

block time
11 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
11 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44497 OSMO community pool
10 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 201s

Height: 3536771 Proposer: figment

block time
10 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
10 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44497 OSMO community pool
09 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3523015 Proposer: figment

block time
09 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 181s

Height: 3523011 Proposer: inotel

block time
09 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821917 OSMO circulation supply
09 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44680 OSMO community pool
09 Mar 2022 Whale Delegate: 2200000 OSMO to Provalidator whale
08 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 197s

Height: 3509265 Proposer: inotel

block time
08 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
08 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44679 OSMO community pool
08 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3501003 Proposer: nosnode🧪🧿

block time
08 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 325s

Height: 3501002 Proposer: bk stakehouse

block time
07 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 197s

Height: 3495613 Proposer: chandra statio

block time
07 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
07 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44680 OSMO community pool
06 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 182s

Height: 3481920 Proposer: eco stake 🌱

block time
06 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
06 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44679 OSMO community pool
05 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3468108 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
05 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 207s

Height: 3468106 Proposer: sentinel dvpn

block time
05 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
05 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44680 OSMO community pool
04 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3454404 Proposer: sg-1

block time
04 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 182s

Height: 3454400 Proposer: [beehive/korea

block time
04 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821917 OSMO circulation supply
04 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44679 OSMO community pool
03 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3440829 Proposer: kdf

block time
03 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3440795 Proposer: [beehive/korea

block time
03 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 192s

Height: 3440772 Proposer: figment

block time
03 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
03 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44680 OSMO community pool
02 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 178s

Height: 3426875 Proposer: boubounode

block time
02 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
02 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
01 Mar 2022 Abnormally high block time: 164s

Height: 3412973 Proposer: chandra statio

block time
01 Mar 2022 Circulation supply increased +821918 OSMO circulation supply
01 Mar 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3401151 Proposer: frog osmo

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3401128 Proposer: wosmongton

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 26s

Height: 3401127 Proposer: wosmongton

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3401116 Proposer: omniflix netwo

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 28s

Height: 3401115 Proposer: omniflix netwo

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 36s

Height: 3401114 Proposer: omniflix netwo

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3401107 Proposer: 01node

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 28s

Height: 3401106 Proposer: 01node

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3401105 Proposer: 01node

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 39s

Height: 3401103 Proposer: smart stake -

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 329s

Height: 3401102 Proposer: 100% insurance

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3401073 Proposer: simply staking

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3401034 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 27s

Height: 3401013 Proposer: figment

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 36s

Height: 3401012 Proposer: figment

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3401004 Proposer: stakecito

block time
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 1832s

Height: 3401002 Proposer: frens (🤝,🤝)

block time
28 Feb 2022 Circulation supply decreased -172808219 OSMO circulation supply
28 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 136s

Height: 3400038 Proposer: active nodes

block time
28 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
28 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
27 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3386673 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
27 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3386650 Proposer: [ block pane ]

block time
27 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 177s

Height: 3386647 Proposer: figment

block time
27 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
27 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
26 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 231s

Height: 3373149 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
26 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
26 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
25 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3359690 Proposer: mp20

block time
25 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 26s

Height: 3359640 Proposer: frens (🤝,🤝)

block time
25 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 246s

Height: 3359636 Proposer: cephalopod equ

block time
25 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
25 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
24 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3346245 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
24 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 40s

Height: 3346241 Proposer: inotel

block time
24 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3346239 Proposer: solar validato

block time
24 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 282s

Height: 3346238 Proposer: boubounode

block time
24 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
24 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44382 OSMO community pool
23 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3333018 Proposer: sentinel dvpn

block time
23 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 288s

Height: 3332830 Proposer: inotel

block time
23 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
23 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
23 Feb 2022 Whale transfer: 10000000 OSMO whale
22 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3319677 Proposer: figment

block time
22 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 29s

Height: 3319676 Proposer: figment

block time
22 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 328s

Height: 3319673 Proposer: nosnode🧪🧿

block time
22 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
22 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
21 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3306715 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
21 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3306694 Proposer: cephalopod equ

block time
21 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 344s

Height: 3306692 Proposer: cryptocrew val

block time
21 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
21 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
20 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3293407 Proposer: figment

block time
20 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 28s

Height: 3293406 Proposer: figment

block time
20 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 257s

Height: 3293404 Proposer: strangelove-ve

block time
20 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
20 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
19 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3280018 Proposer: 01node

block time
19 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3279982 Proposer: figment

block time
19 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 285s

Height: 3279968 Proposer: inotel

block time
19 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
19 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
18 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 22s

Height: 3266416 Proposer: nascent

block time
18 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 310s

Height: 3266413 Proposer: sg-1

block time
18 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
18 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
18 Feb 2022 Community pool decreased -11962 OSMO community pool
17 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3253027 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
17 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 26s

Height: 3253026 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
17 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 34s

Height: 3253025 Proposer: binary_holding

block time
17 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 300s

Height: 3253021 Proposer: chandra statio

block time
17 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
17 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3239654 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 32s

Height: 3239653 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3239642 Proposer: witval

block time
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 57s

Height: 3239627 Proposer: sg-1

block time
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 22s

Height: 3239625 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
16 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 330s

Height: 3239624 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
16 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
16 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
15 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 295s

Height: 3226131 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
15 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
15 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
14 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3212638 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
14 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 357s

Height: 3212635 Proposer: likecoin by li

block time
14 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
14 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
13 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3199224 Proposer: witval

block time
13 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3199195 Proposer: secure secrets

block time
13 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 375s

Height: 3199193 Proposer:

block time
13 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
13 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
12 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3185598 Proposer: kdf

block time
12 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 389s

Height: 3185597 Proposer: cephalopod equ

block time
12 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
12 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
11 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3171988 Proposer: forbole

block time
11 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 32s

Height: 3171987 Proposer: forbole

block time
11 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 345s

Height: 3171964 Proposer: figment

block time
11 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
11 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
10 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 22s

Height: 3158406 Proposer: sg-1

block time
10 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 486s

Height: 3158405 Proposer: sg-1

block time
10 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
10 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
10 Feb 2022 Community pool decreased -109375 OSMO community pool
09 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3144893 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
09 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 472s

Height: 3144825 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
09 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
09 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
09 Feb 2022 Whale Delegate: 2657143 OSMO to Frog OSMO whale
08 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3131538 Proposer: kdf

block time
08 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 385s

Height: 3131373 Proposer: chandra statio

block time
08 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
08 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
07 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3118389 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
07 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3118365 Proposer: cros-nest

block time
07 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3118091 Proposer: stakecito

block time
07 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 459s

Height: 3118090 Proposer: stakecito

block time
07 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
07 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
06 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 449s

Height: 3104872 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
06 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
06 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
06 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3102036 Proposer:

block time
05 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3091975 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
05 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 416s

Height: 3091910 Proposer: kdf

block time
05 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
05 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
04 Feb 2022 Whale transfer: 2857143 OSMO whale
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3078888 Proposer: 01node

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3078887 Proposer: 01node

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3078881 Proposer: blockngine 🛡️

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 27s

Height: 3078880 Proposer: sg-1

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 35s

Height: 3078879 Proposer: sg-1

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3078871 Proposer: sentinel dvpn

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 28s

Height: 3078870 Proposer: sentinel dvpn

block time
04 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 446s

Height: 3078868 Proposer: bro_n_bro

block time
04 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
04 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
03 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3065807 Proposer: nascent

block time
03 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3065793 Proposer: bk stakehouse

block time
03 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 428s

Height: 3065791 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
03 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
03 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
02 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3052423 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
02 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 459s

Height: 3052420 Proposer: chandra statio

block time
02 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
02 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
02 Feb 2022 Whale Redelegate: 500057 OSMO from Cosmostation to Mr.K whale
01 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3038903 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
01 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 46s

Height: 3038902 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
01 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 3038901 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
01 Feb 2022 Abnormally high block time: 437s

Height: 3038899 Proposer: kytzu

block time
01 Feb 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
01 Feb 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
31 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 3025281 Proposer: kingsuper

block time
31 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 3025275 Proposer: inotel

block time
31 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 3025252 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
31 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3025250 Proposer:

block time
31 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 457s

Height: 3025249 Proposer:

block time
31 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
31 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
31 Jan 2022 Whale Delegate: 500057 OSMO to Cosmostation whale
30 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 20s

Height: 3011448 Proposer: notional

block time
30 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 31s

Height: 3011447 Proposer: notional

block time
30 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 532s

Height: 3011445 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
30 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
30 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
30 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 3010668 Proposer: figment

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2997971 Proposer: cephalopod equ

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 2997954 Proposer: cypher core

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 2997942 Proposer: 01node

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 2997932 Proposer: stakecito

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 19s

Height: 2997931 Proposer: stakecito

block time
29 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 543s

Height: 2997930 Proposer: kalpatech

block time
29 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
29 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
28 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2984205 Proposer: omniflix netwo

block time
28 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2984140 Proposer: chorus one

block time
28 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 2984036 Proposer: cryptocrew val

block time
28 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 26s

Height: 2984024 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
28 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 518s

Height: 2984023 Proposer: stakecito

block time
28 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
28 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
27 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2970145 Proposer: stakecito

block time
27 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2970003 Proposer: cosmostation

block time
27 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 609s

Height: 2969937 Proposer: inotel

block time
27 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
27 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool
26 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2956036 Proposer: kdf

block time
26 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 24s

Height: 2956010 Proposer: figment

block time
26 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 27s

Height: 2956003 Proposer: cros-nest

block time
26 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 517s

Height: 2956002 Proposer: cros-nest

block time
26 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616439 OSMO circulation supply
26 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44794 OSMO community pool
25 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 25s

Height: 2942442 Proposer: inotel

block time
25 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 21s

Height: 2942426 Proposer: inotel

block time
25 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 23s

Height: 2942422 Proposer: cros-nest

block time
25 Jan 2022 Abnormally high block time: 738s

Height: 2942420 Proposer: 01node

block time
25 Jan 2022 Circulation supply increased +616438 OSMO circulation supply
25 Jan 2022 Community pool increased +44795 OSMO community pool